Still using Avimark in linux. Almost the entire clinic is running on it, with just a couple of Windows machines.
The last few annoying things seem to have been tracked down today. It involved linux file permissions. Have to read about access control lists, chmod g+s command and the set facl command.
Seems that the temporary dump folder we used to take scans in gave permission for everyone to read, but was not granting write permissions on new files as they were created. Similar behavior on the attachments folder and sub folders.
I will also apply inheritance to the regular avimark folder, because it seems that occasionally an index gets grabbed and re written by a user, and the editing of purchase orders gets locked until permissions are re set.
For the most part though.. day to day, it is all working.
Unfriendly shutdown of some computers during rainstorm the other day caused some ip conflicts between the haves and have nots after some computers powered down in an un coordinated fasion. I really wanted to blame linux, but it was just run of the mill networking conflict stuff.
A nice structured shut down and re start fixed everything.
I plan to test the latest Avimark release soon, but if it doesn't have any compelling new features, I will probably stick with 2012 5.11.0 for a while because it just works
Biggest problems/ glitches seem related to the Ncomputing terminals and vspace. Have had it get confused a couple of times in the last month, and had to do a server re start to clear. The other non vspace terminals soldiered on just fine.
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